7歳よりクラシックバレエを始め、The Australian Conservatoire of Ballet に留学。
Dance for Life公演、都民芸術バレエフェスティバル、いわきアリオス公演等、年間多数の舞台に出演。
退団後はソロの活動を開始し、鉄工島にてF.I.B JORNAL 、PRIMITIVE ART ORCHESTRA 、2 Drums とライブセッションを行う。
Dancer`s Life Support.com バレエ講習会のコンテンポラリーダンス講師、川崎市国際交流センターの親子向けWS、
「Dancénsemble ダンサンブル」を立ち上げ、老若男女経験問わず、多くの人が踊りでの表現を楽しむ場と舞台を作るべく活動を開始。
Dancénsemble HP : https://www.dancensemble.com/ 参加者大募集中。
SAI DANCE FESTIVAL 2018 COMPETITION 優秀作品賞 受賞 (ソロ部門 1位)
ダンサンブルとして西武鉄道ダンスムービコンテスト2018 ユニークムービー賞を受賞。
Mari Fujihira
dancer / choreographer / model / dance instructor Based in Tokyo.
She graduated from The Australian Conservatoire of Ballet and joined Yurie Shimomura Ballet Company in Tokyo.
After leaving the company , she started to work as freelancer as dancer .
She has worked with many musicians , F.I.B JORNAL, PRIMITIVE ART ORCHESTRA , 2 Drums , etc .
Also she danced in one of the biggest kimono event ”kimono salone ” .
She just finished Europe dance tour ( Berlin, Brussels, Paris, Marseille, Venice, Lausanne, Bergen)
and starting Asia dance touring.
She is also highly rated as a dance instructor .
She teaches for ballet dancer , family in kawasaki international assosiation , works in Autism Association , etc.
She started own dance company ‘Dancénsemble ‘ which is composed of a variety of occupations .
She cares about diversity of people in this company and works as general director and choreographer .
Website : https://www.dancensemble.com/
SAI DANCE FESTIVAL COMPETITION 2018 1st prize of solo section
Seibu Railway Dance Movie Competition Unique movie award for Dancénsemble