Masato Tanave

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Masato Tanave

Graduated at University of Kent in England majoring in Social Science.
Worked for an IT company in Tokyo for few years. After traveling around all over the world, began creating spaces where art and ecology meet since 2012.
Self-retrofitted an old barn and turned it into a vegan coffee shop and self-renovated an old factory into an art theater.
He also practices energy works as his life work.
He now creates a self-sustainable building which encounters natural phenomenon.
He also shares ‘Chi-neizan’ therapy that is abdominal massage which stimulates the detoxication of internal organs. ‘Chi-neizan’ is not merely a type of physical massage, but also to rebalance your body and energy.

Beside that, he approaches to the givens of a new way of living creating a new type of community space in a little forest area of East Japan with his partner.

・Completed Abdominal Detox Chi Massage Training course in Thailand.

・Completed the first and second degree of the Usui System of Reiki Healing.

・Completed Earthship Academy.

2014年納屋を廃材を利用して改装し、パートナーと共にヴィーガンカフェ『Chill At Moon』をオープン。同年廃業して使われていない工場を改装して、アートスペース『旧江東車体』を開場。
2016年新潟県五泉市の里山に拠点を移し、森の民家をセルフビルドで改装、「暮らしはアート」をシェアするスペース、『Breathing Art.』を発酵させながら営む。チネイザン/マッサージセラピストとしても活動中。



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